The key feature of deepdancer-darkmagic is to prevent you from declaring manually the __dependencies attribute of your module. If the module is of __type factory or class. deepdancer-darkmagic will infer the missing __dependencies from the arguments names.

Container methods

registerAliasByRootPath(rootPath, rootModule, ignore = [])


  • rootPath: the path to scan for files.
  • rootModule: the root module existing inside this path.
  • ignore (optional): an array of regular expressions or strings to ignore.

Automatically registers an alias under the given rootPath containing the rootModule modules.

For example, if you wish to register alias for the module mylibrary stored in ./src/mylibrary, it contains modules like ‘mylibrary/alpha’, ‘mylibrary/beta’, ‘mylibrary/gamma’. registerAliasByRootPath('./src/mylibrary', 'mylibrary') will scan for files ./src/mylibrary either ending with a coffee or js extension, and for files it found an alias and let you require gamma instead of mylibrary/gamma.

This makes leveraging the dependencies inference easy.